AS 101 Heritage and Values

AS 101, "Heritage and Values," allows students to examine general aspects of the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Leadership, Air Force benefits, and opportunities for Air Force or Space Force officers. The course lays the foundation for becoming an Airman or Guardian by outlining our heritage and values.


AS 102 Heritage and Values

As a continuation of AS 101, this course allows students to examine general aspects of the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Leadership, Air Force benefits, and opportunities for Air Force or Space Force officers.  The course lays the foundation for becoming an Airman or Guardian by outlining our heritage and values.


AS 111 Leadership Laboratory

This course is taken in conjunction with AS 101. It consists of a weekly laboratory including military customs and courtesies, health and physical fitness, drill and ceremonies, leadership studies, leadership exercises, and Air Force and Space Force officer career days. Course is graded P/NP.


AS 112 Leadership Laboratory

This course is taken in conjunction with AS 102. It consists of a weekly laboratory including military customs and courtesies, health and physical fitness, drill and ceremonies, leadership studies, leadership exercises, and Air Force or Space Force officer career days. Course is graded P/NP.