PHY - Physics

PHY 109 Powerful Ideas in Physical Science

What is science, and how do the physical sciences help us understand the way the world works? Students will learn to create scientific models of natural phenomena and formulate scientific explanations with computer and hands-on laboratory activities while exploring topics such as energy and electromagnetism. Students will also learn practical applications of science and technology along with ways science is represented in the media.


PHY 163 Astronomy

Introductory study of observations and the application of scientific principles in their interpretation. Deduction of models for the solar system, our local galaxy, and the visible Universe. Offered each fall semester.


PHY 201 College Physics I

Algebra-based physics with life science focus. Vectors, kinematics, Newtonian mechanics, statics, dynamics. Offered each fall semester.



PHY 271

PHY 202 College Physics II

Algebra-based physics with life science focus. Sound, waves, optics, electricity and magnetism. Offered each spring semester.



PHY 201 or PHY 204 with a grade of C- or higher.


PHY 272

PHY 204 General Physics I

Calculus-based physics. Kinematics and dynamics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies. Newton's laws for translational and rotational motion, conservation laws of energy, momentum, and linear momentum. Offered every semester.



MTH 201


PHY 274

PHY 205 General Physics II

Calculus-based physics. Electricity and magnetism; Maxwell's equations, circuits. Offered every semester.



MTH 202, PHY 204 with a grade of C- or higher


PHY 275

PHY 270 Special Physics Lab and Research

For special lower-division projects or research. Content, credit, and fee to be arranged. Available as needed.


PHY 271 College Physics Lab I

Laboratory course to accompany PHY 201. One three-hour laboratory each week. Offered each fall semester. Fee: $60 per semester.



PHY 201

PHY 272 College Physics Lab II

Laboratory course to accompany PHY 202. One three-hour laboratory each week. Offered each spring semester. Fee: $60 per semester.



PHY 202

PHY 274 General Physics Lab I

Laboratory course to accompany PHY 204. Offered every semester. Fee: $60



PHY 204

PHY 275 General Physics Lab II

Laboratory course to accompany PHY 205. Offered every semester. Fee: $60



PHY 205

PHY 290 Directed Study

Content and credit to be arranged. Available as needed.


PHY 301 Scientific Programming with Python

In this course students will learn to use Python to model physical problems relevant to the fields of mathematics, science, and engineering, and will learn about relevant applications in these fields. The course is for students who have programming experience in other languages or those who have never programed before but want to learn Python. This elective course is offered primarily as a summer course offering.



PHY 204, MTH 201

PHY 303 Computational Methods in Physical Sciences

Computational techniques for solving physics and chemistry problems as well as for simulating, analyzing, and graphically visualizing physical systems and processes. Offered fall of odd years.


PHY 204 or PHY 201, MTH 202

Cross Listed Courses

CHM 303, MTH 303

PHY 306 Our Strange Universe: Science and History of Modern Physics

Special relativity, quantum theory, atomic and nuclear physics. Offered each spring semester.



PHY 204, PHY 205, MTH 201, MTH 202

PHY 322 Optics

Geometrical and physical optics, imaging and aberrations; interference, diffraction, and polarization; applications to instrumentation and lasers. Offered spring semester of odd years.



PHY 201, PHY 202 or PHY 204, PHY 205, MTH 202

PHY 323 Nonlinear Dynamics

This course introduces the basic concepts and techniques in the study of dynamical systems, including nonlinear ordinary differential equations, difference equations, and systems of equations. Using a wide variety of applications from the physical sciences, we will cover analytical methods such as linear stability, bifurcations, phase plane analysis, limit cycles, Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling and fractals. Offered spring semester of even years.



MTH 321

Cross Listed Courses

MTH 323

PHY 333 Introduction to Quantum Information Science

This course will explore the foundation of quantum computing and will cover basic concepts in quantum physics and theoretical computer science in addition to introducing core quantum computing topics. No previous background in quantum mechanics is required. Offered Spring Semester of even years.



PHY 204, PHY 205, MTH 201, MTH 202

PHY 356 Mathematical Methods for Science and Engineering

Ordinary differential equations, complex variables and matrices are developed and illustrated through applications in physics with emphasis on examples from the fields of vibrations and waves. Offered each fall semester.



MTH 202, PHY 204

Cross Listed Courses

MTH 356

PHY 370 Special Physics Laboratory and Research

For special upper-division projects or research. Content, credit, and fee to be arranged. Available as needed.


PHY 371 Analog and Digital Electronics

Instruction in electronic circuits and computer software, circuit design, and device physics for use in data acquisition and instrument control. Offered fall semester of even years. Fee: $120



PHY 205, PHY 356 or MTH 321

PHY 372 Optics Laboratory

Laboratory course to accompany PHY 322 for non-majors. Experiments in geometric and physical optics. Offered spring semester of odd years. Fee: $60



PHY 322

PHY 376 Modern Physics Lab

Laboratory course to accompany PHY 306. Experiments in acoustic waves, optics, photo electric effect. One three-hour laboratory each week. Offered each spring semester. Fee: $60



PHY 306

PHY 391 Seminar

Credit arranged.


PHY 404 Advanced Mechanics

Kinematics and dynamics of classical particles and systems of particles in stationary and moving frames of reference. The equations of Lagrange and Hamilton are introduced. Offered spring semester of odd years.


PHY 202 or PHY 205


MTH 321

PHY 405 Advanced Electrodynamics

Electric and magnetic fields and potentials, their interactions with matter, and Maxwell's equations. Offered fall semester of even years.


PHY 201, PHY 202 or PHY 204, PHY 205


MTH 321

PHY 411 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Experimental basis for the quantum theory and the fundamental ideas of non-relativistic and relativistic quantum mechanics. Offered fall semester of odd years.



MTH 322 or PHY 356, PHY 306

PHY 412 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II

Continuation of PHY 411. Topics to include perturbation theory, angular momentum, and scattering theory with application to atomic, solid state, and particle physics. Offered spring semester of even years.



PHY 411

PHY 422 Solid State Physics

Lattices and crystal structures; mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Offered on an occasional basis.



PHY 202 or PHY 205, MTH 321 or PHY 356

PHY 441 Thermal and Statistical Physics

Fundamentals of statistical mechanics, entropy, partition functions, kinetic theory. Applications to classical and quantized systems. Thermodynamics developed from the basis of statistical mechanics. Offered spring semesters of even years.



PHY 201, PHY 202 or PHY 204, PHY 205, MTH 321 or PHY 356

PHY 470 Special Physics Laboratory and Research

For special upper-division projects or research. Content, credit, and fee to be arranged. Course is graded A-F. Fee: $60 per credit hour.


PHY 471 Advanced Laboratory

Laboratory work in atomic and nuclear physics; electricity and magnetism, modern physics, and undergraduate experimental research. Offered spring semester of even years. Fee: $120.


PHY 472 Advanced Optics Laboratory

Laboratory course to accompany PHY 322 for Physics majors. Laboratory work in geometric and physical optics including independent projects and analysis. Offered spring semester of odd years. Fee: $120


PHY 490 Directed Study

Offered as needed.


PHY 491 Physics Seminar

Offered as needed.


PHY 492 Physics Seminar

Offered as needed.


PHY 497 Internship

Academic internships are available for qualified students (3.0 GPA; 3.25 GPA in Physics). Internships provide students with job experience pertinent to the study of Physics. Students may receive an IP (In Progress) grade until the completion of their internship. The internship may be taken for one to three credit hours.


PHY 499 Senior Thesis

Research, study, or original work under the direction of a faculty mentor, leading to a scholarly thesis document with a public presentation of results. Requires approval of thesis director, department chair, dean, and the director of the honors program, when appropriate.



Senior standing; 3.0 G.P.A. in the thesis area or good standing in the honors program.