ENT - Entrepreneurship

ENT 200 Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Introduces students to the language, process, mindset and skillset of entrepreneurship. Course format includes entrepreneurial speakers and leaders, identification of potential opportunities, and key elements of preparing for an entrepreneurial career, including starting a new enterprise, developing a social venture, or creating a new product.


ENT 480 Creating a World-Class Venture

This course teaches the Lean Launch Pad Opportunity Assessment process, using the Business Model Canvas and other tools to assess the viability of entrepreneurial endeavor. Students pursue and investigate an opportunity, conducting real world business meetings, including business trip to New York. (Open only to Entrepreneur Scholars.) Fee: $2,000 covers participation in ENT 480, including travel.


ENT 481 Entrepreneur Apprenticeship

Students develop a business plan (including market analysis and financial projections) and launch key aspects of an entrepreneurial venture. Students complete an apprenticeship which implements aspects of their own venture. Prepares students to compete in the University’s Pilot Venture Challenge. (Open only to Entrepreneur Scholars.) Fee: $2,000 covers participation in ENT 481 and ENT 482, including travel. IP grade permitted.



ENT 480

ENT 482 Global Entrepreneurship

Prepares students to conduct international business by comparing and contrasting the business practices of entrepreneurs in the US with entrepreneurs globally. Immerses students in a foreign culture where they meet with business experts, suppliers, or potential partners in an international destination, to understand issues of global launch, sourcing or expansion, and potentially transact business internationally. (Open only to Entrepreneur Scholars.) IP grade permitted.



ENT 480