NRS - Nursing

NRS 104 Nursing Professionalism and Practice

Students are introduced to professional nursing and health care delivery. Academic expectations, foundational principles for the nursing major, and the process of active inquiry into health care issues are explored. Students investigate health perspectives, social justice, care of self and others, scientific basis for nursing, and professional socialization.


NRS 116 Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan I

Students explore foundations of health and wellness across the lifespan focusing specifically on the concepts of nutrition, development, health promotion, resilience, and sleep. They learn to access research evidence about healthy lifestyle patterns and risk factors, work with others in a respectful and culturally sensitive manner, explore the role of the nurse in promoting optimum health and use reflection to assess their practice as nursing students.



NRS 104

NRS 200 Nursing Licensure Lab I

Nursing Licensure Lab I will provide students with an introduction to self-guided learning in preparation for success on the NCLEX-RN exam. Students will work in an online environment utilizing various types of quizzing and testing techniques designed to assess testing skills and develop self-awareness of content mastery. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 204

NRS 204 Foundations in Health Assessment

Students learn foundational nursing knowledge, attitudes, values, and health assessment skills to promote health and wellness across the lifespan. Students learn how nurses provide patient-centered care and maintain professional standards with complex and diverse healthcare delivery systems. Students integrate and apply principles developed in NRS 116 and NRS 216 in delivering basic nursing care.



NRS 208 or NRS 216


NRS 200, NRS 206, NRS 207

NRS 206 Professional Practice: Health Assessment

Students learn foundational knowledge about health and wellness across the lifespan. Students acquire foundational nursing knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide ethical, evidence-based care. Students begin to integrate nursing theory, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and integrative health principles in combined skills laboratory and simulation experiences. This course includes 45 hours of on-campus clinical experience.



NRS 216 or NRS 208


NRS 026, NRS 204, NRS 207

NRS 207 Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Health Assessment

Students in this seminar course will synthesize health assessment didactic and clinical learning. Students will participate in health assessment clinical reasoning learning activities. Evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and informatics will be incorporated.



NRS 216 or NRS 208


NRS 204, NRS 206

NRS 208 Transition into Professional Nursing

Students new to the University of Portland School of Nursing & Health Innovations learn supportive knowledge and skills attained by four-year students in NRS 104, NRS 116, and NRS 216. Foundational cognitive and affective learning strategies will be incorporated to provide transfer students the necessary knowledge to enter upper division nursing. 



NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207

NRS 216 Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan II

Students continue to explore health and wellness across the lifespan, beginning with self and expanding to clients, families, and populations. The focus is on interrelationships among culture, diversity, gender identity, sexuality, communication, and social determinants of health. Students learn to examine their own assumptions, approach human interactions with curiosity and humility, and work with others in a culturally sensitive manner.



NRS 116

NRS 236 On the Frontlines: Caring for Our Veterans

Students in this course develop an understanding of the care of our nation’s Veterans through exploration of Veteran-centric topics focused on their unique culture and health and care delivery needs. For VANAP students only. Instructor permission required. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 104, NRS 116

NRS 300 Nursing Licensure Lab II

Nursing Licensure Lab II will provide students with an opportunity to improve self-guided learning in preparation for success on the NCLEX-RN exam. Students will continue work in an online environment utilizing more sophisticated levels of quizzing and testing techniques designed to strengthen testing skills and increase self-awareness of content mastery. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 200

NRS 302 Nursing Licensure Lab III

Nursing Licensure Lab III will provide students with an opportunity to continue to improve self-guided learning in preparation for success on the NCLEX-RN exam. Students will continue work in an online environment utilizing increasingly sophisticated levels of quizzing and testing techniques designed to strengthen testing skills. The student will increase focus on content mastery techniques. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 200

NRS 306 Professional Practice: Population Health and Wellness

Students in this course learn to use health promotion and prevention strategies in nursing practice to promote holistic health and wellness across the lifespan. Emphasis is on assessment, safety, and lifestyle management across the lifespan. This course includes approx. 180 hours of on-campus and/or off-campus clinical experiences.



NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207, NRS 216


NRS 307, NRS 316

NRS 307 Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Population Health and Wellness

Students in this seminar course will have the opportunity to synthesize didactic and clinical learning. Students apply the concepts of vulnerability, stress, coping, empowerment, and addiction in developing clinical reasoning skills for nursing practice. Students engage in the application of evidence-based practice with an emphasis on identifying and critically appraising evidence for nursing care of populations.



NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207, NRS 216


NRS 306, NRS 316

NRS 308 Professional Practice: Acute Illness Management

Students in this course learn to manage care of diverse patients with acute illness across the lifespan. Emphasis is on application, interpretation of client information, prioritization, and recognition of acute alterations of health status. This course includes approx. 180 hours of on-campus and/or off-campus clinical experiences.



NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207, NRS 216


NRS 309, NRS 317

NRS 309 Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Acute Illness Management

Students in this seminar course will have the opportunity to synthesize didactic and clinical learning. Students are introduced to the concepts of clinical reasoning based on nursing research, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and informatics. These concepts are explored for the influence they have in clinical decision making in acute care settings of nursing practice.



NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207, NRS 216


NRS 308, NRS 317

NRS 316 Population Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan

Students learn management of patients and families across the lifespan with a focus on the principles of health and wellness promotion and disease prevention. Emphasis is on assessment, analysis, client education, client health trajectory, and levels of prevention.



NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207, NRS 216


NRS 306, NRS 307

NRS 316H Population Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan (Honors)

Students learn management of patients and families across the lifespan with a focus on the principles of health and wellness promotion and disease prevention. Emphasis is on assessment, analysis, client education, client health trajectory, and levels of prevention. Honors students extend their intellectual learning experience by completing a focused learning activity and experience that builds on one or more of the course concepts.



NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207, NRS 216


NRS 306, NRS 307

NRS 317 Acute Illness Management Across the Lifespan

Students learn management of patients and families across the lifespan with a focus on the principles of acute illness management and acute exacerbations of chronic illnesses. Emphasis is on assessment, analysis, education, client health trajectory, and levels of prevention.



NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207, NRS 216


NRS 308, NRS 309

NRS 325 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I

Students learn the nursing management of clients across the lifespan experiencing multi-system health care problems. Emphasis is on clinical reasoning in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care. Students examine alterations in physiological states and principles of pharmacotherapeutics. This course provides a foundation for application to nursing practice to promote health and wellness for individuals and populations.



BIO 359, BIO 379, BIO 365, BIO 306, BIO 366, NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207, NRS 216

NRS 326 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II

Students learn the nursing management of clients across the lifespan experiencing multi-system health care problems.  Emphasis is on clinical reasoning in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care. Students examine alterations in physiological states and principles of pharmacotherapeutics. This course continues to build on previous concepts, to continue promoting health and wellness for individuals and populations.



NRS 325

NRS 393 Research

Credit arranged. Course is graded P/NP.

NRS 400 Nursing Licensure Lab IV

Nursing Licensure Lab IV will utilize self-guided learning and remediation in preparation for student success on the NCLEX-RN exam. Students will continue work in an online environment utilizing increasingly sophisticated levels of quizzing and testing techniques designed to strengthen testing skills. The student will focus on remediation of identified areas of weakness in content mastery. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 300, NRS 302

NRS 401 Preparation for Re-entry to Professional Practice

This course prepares students for re-entry into professional practice courses.  Students will practice and demonstrate competency in fundamental knowledge, skills and attitudes required for successful progression. Course is graded P/NP. 



NRS 206, permission from associate dean is required.

NRS 402H Project Development & Implementation (Honors)

Evidence-based research foundations, scholarly inquiry, data collection methods, and ethical issues are explored to guide students' active role in a research project based on their area of interest for a select client population. Faculty supervise student groups' evidence search and synthesis, project proposal, IRB project approval, and project launch. This course is restricted to nursing majors participating in the university honors program.



Honors program participant and Senior standing

NRS 403H Project Analysis & Dissemination (Honors)

Students will sustain their role in active scholarly inquiry and project engagement through the completion of the project data analysis and dissemination process. A project report and professional presentation are required; manuscript preparation is optional. This course is restricted to nursing majors participating in the university honors program.



NRS 402H; Honors program participant and Senior standing

NRS 406 Professional Practice: Chronic Illness Management

Students will manage care for diverse patients with chronic illnesses across the lifespan. Emphasis is on care transitions, care coordination, case management, prioritization, and delegation of care, as well as chronic illness management. Students will work with community partners to identify and utilize community assets to meet population needs. This course includes approx. 180 hours of on-campus and/or off-campus clinical experiences.



NRS 306, NRS 307, NRS 308, NRS 309, NRS 316, NRS 317, NRS 326


NRS 407, NRS 416

NRS 407 Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Chronic Illness Management

Students in this seminar course will have the opportunity to synthesize didactic and clinical learning. Students apply the concepts of cognition, mood and affect, professional engagement, chronic illness trajectory, palliation and care coordination in developing clinical reasoning skills for nursing practice. Students engage in the application of evidence-based practice with an emphasis on quality improvement in professional practice settings.



NRS 306, NRS 307, NRS 308, NRS 309, NRS 316, NRS 317, NRS 326


NRS 406, NRS 416

NRS 408 Professional Practice: Senior Synthesis

Students in this course will synthesize theories and concepts for professional nursing practice with multiple clients or a population appropriate to the beginning professional nurse. Students demonstrate the School of Nursing & Health Innovations BSN program outcomes according to their level in the program. This course includes approx. 180 hours of on-campus and/or off-campus clinical experiences.



NRS 306, NRS 307, NRS 308, NRS 309, NRS 316, NRS 317, NRS 326


NRS 409, NRS 460

NRS 409 Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Senior Synthesis

Students in this course have the opportunity to synthesize didactic and clinical learning. Students engage in the application of healthy work environment, health care policy, and health care law concepts into clinical reasoning for nursing practice. Evidence-based practice, advocacy at the state/federal level, and clinical decision making in nursing practice in care settings across the health care continuum are explored.



NRS 306, NRS 307, NRS 308, NRS 309, NRS 316, NRS 317, NRS 326


NRS 408, NRS 460

NRS 416 Chronic Illness Management Across the Lifespan

Students learn management of patients with chronic illnesses across the lifespan with a focus on the principles of complex case management, care coordination, and care transitions. Emphasis is on assessment, analysis, education, client health trajectory, and levels of prevention.



NRS 306, NRS 307, NRS 308, NRS 309, NRS 316, NRS 317, NRS 326


NRS 406, NRS 407

NRS 440 Social Justice and Population Health

Students in this course will be prepared to provide nursing care to populations through the lens of social justice and nursing ethics. Students will appraise how structural inequities impact populations and examine the intersection of course concepts on individual and group health outcomes and quality of life. Students will explore strength-based approaches to nursing actions and interventions.



NRS 306, NRS 307, NRS 308, NRS 309, NRS 316, NRS 317, NRS 326

NRS 460 Senior Synthesis: Advancing the Culture of Health

Students in this course will realize the full scope of baccalaureate nursing practice. Students will expand their understanding of nursing in promoting a culture of health. Students will explore interprofessional practice to lead sustainable change for improving health outcomes.



NRS 306, NRS 307, NRS 308, NRS 309, NRS 316, NRS 317, NRS 326


NRS 408, NRS 409

NRS 480 Life-Long Learning

Students will create a road map for advancement of the individual nurse, populations served and profession of nursing. Students will be exposed to multiple pathways for professional growth and practice and will develop methods to maintain resilience and balance, and establish a pattern of reflection and life-long learning.



NRS 440

NRS 490 Directed Study

Credit arranged.


NRS 491 Seminar

Credit arranged.


NRS 492 Nursing Electives

These courses involve a variety of health care topics. Some courses may be open to non-nursing students at the discretion of the instructor.


NRS 493 Research

Faculty-directed research project with students. Before enrolling, a student must consult with a faculty member to define the project. Course is graded P/NP. May be repeated for credit.


NRS 601 Professional Role Development for Advanced Practice Nursing

This course focuses on the role development of the nurse practitioner as an advanced practice nurse prepared at the doctor of nursing practice degree level. Historical, legal, ethical, social, and policy aspects of the role will be examined. Topics such as hallmark competencies, professional behaviors, financial relationships with health systems and interdisciplinary relationships also will be included. Fee: $95


NRS 602 Leadership in a Complex Health care Environment

This course provides the theoretical and practical foundation that guides the formation of a DNP-prepared leader. Leadership theories and processes will be appraised for applicability within a complex health care environment. Factors that impact the leader’s ability to design and evaluate safe, quality, cost-effective care will be analyzed. The development of personal leadership will be explored.


NRS 604 Nursing Science and Ethics for Advanced Practice

Scientific underpinnings from a variety of disciplines will be explored as they apply to the scholarship and practice of advanced nursing practice. Theoretical foundations of nursing and related disciplines will be applied to enhance health and health care delivery in a variety of settings among diverse populations.


NRS 605 Analytical Methods for Practice Improvement

Analytical methods will be examined to appraise multiple sources of evidence to determine its applicability for translating the evidence into practice to improve health outcomes and health delivery systems. Evidence-based practices, statistical analyses and appraisal processes are foundational for this course.



NRS 604

NRS 606 Quality Improvement Processes for Practice Improvement

Quality improvement concepts, principles, models and strategies used to improve processes for health care delivery and quality of health outcomes will be explored. The process of new program development and evaluation will be examined.



NRS 604, NRS 605

NRS 607 Advanced Pathophysiology and Genetics

This course is designed to provide students with the advanced pathophysiological foundation required for understanding diseases and genetic implications across the lifespan. Focus will be placed on key pathophysiologic processes common to many diseases, specific pathophysiologic processes underlying diseases commonly encountered by nurse practitioners, and the human biopsychosocial response to these processes. Fee: $100


NRS 608 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics

This course focuses on the clinical application of pharmacotherapeutics commonly prescribed by nurse practitioners in primary care settings, including drug selection, dosing, monitoring, evaluation, and patient education. This course examines the nurse practitioner role as prescriber.

NRS 609 Botanicals in Primary Care

This course explores the clinical indications, potential risks, and evidence for alternative approaches to herbal and dietary supplement therapies. Conceptual approaches to herbal therapy and botanical medicine are explored. Emphasis is on the safety of herbs and supplements.

NRS 610 Advanced Health Assessment for Primary Care Nurse Practitioners

This course focuses on the development of advanced health assessment skills as the foundation for clinical decision making. The advanced health assessment process includes appropriate histories, physical exams, labs/diagnostic testing, use of screening tools, diagnosing physical variations and abnormalities, identification of health needs, and documentation for multiple patient presentations across the lifespan. Fee: $230



NRS 601, NRS 602, NRS 604, NRS 605, NRS 606, NRS 607, NRS 614, NRS 649, NRS 650


NRS 608

NRS 611 Advanced Pathophysiology I

This course provides students with the advanced pathophysiological foundation required for understanding illness across the lifespan. Emphasis is on key pathophysiologic processes common to many diseases and the human biopsychosocial response to these processes.


NRS 612 Advanced Pathophysiology II

In this course students will apply their understanding of advanced pathophysiological processes to develop differential diagnoses for given clinical problems. The course will also emphasize the genetic and genomic implications of disease processes. Fee: $100


NRS 614 Health Organization Systems & Resource Management

This course focuses on complexities of health care organizational systems and their impact on approaches to care delivery and relativeness to quality and safety outcomes. Principles of organizational culture, resource management and organizational policy will be explored.


NRS 615 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics I

This course introduces the advanced practice nursing role with prescriptive authority. Concepts such as pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacogenomics/ pharmacogenetics will be reinforced in the context of advanced nursing practice. Students will also explore antibiotic stewardship, vaccinations, over-the-counter pharmacotherapies, and integrative health/botanical modalities encountered in primary care.



NRS 611

NRS 616 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics II

This course focuses on the clinical application of evidence-informed pharmacotherapeutics commonly prescribed by advanced practice nurses in primary care settings, including drug selection, dosing, monitoring, evaluation, and patient education. Students will integrate their understandings of pathophysiologic processes and advanced health assessment to identify appropriate pharmacologic management strategies for clinical case studies.



NRS 615


NRS 612

NRS 617 Advanced Health Assessment I

This course focuses on the development of advanced health assessment skills as an essential foundation for clinical decision making. Emphasis is placed on therapeutic communication, appropriate history-taking, and reviewing and practicing comprehensive head-to-toe physical assessments. Fee: $230


NRS 618 Advanced Health Assessment II

This course emphasizes demonstration of advanced health assessment skills as the essential foundation for clinical decision making. Focus is on integrating patient histories into clinical decision-making about focused physical assessments. Fee $960



NRS 617

NRS 619 Foundations of Clinical Management for Primary Care Nurse Practitioners

This course focuses on the application of health assessment skills as the essential foundation for clinical decision making. Students integrate history taking and physical assessment skills into interpretation of labs/diagnostic testing and screening tools to identify health needs and begin to develop differential diagnoses. The course also introduces concepts of documentation, medical decision-making, and billing/coding.    



NRS 601, NRS 602, NRS 604, NRS 605, NRS 611, NRS 612, NRS 614, NRS 615, NRS 616, NRS 617, NRS 618, NRS 651

NRS 620 AGPCNP Clinical I

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on relevant history collecting and physical examination of patients with acute conditions. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 610 or instructor permission


NRS 670

NRS 621 AGPCNP Clinical II

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing competencies developed in NRS 620, in addition to preliminary differential diagnoses and management plans for mental health and gender health conditions, as well as adolescent populations. Students complete 120 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 620, NRS 670


NRS 672, NRS 681

NRS 623 AGPCNP Clinical III

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing the competencies developed in NRS 620 and NRS 621, in addition to preliminary differential diagnosis and management plans for geriatric patients. Students complete 120 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 621, NRS 672, NRS 681


NRS 683

NRS 624 AGPCNP Clinical IV

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing the competencies developed in NRS 620, NRS 621, and NRS 623, in addition to comprehensive differential diagnosis and management plans for adults and older adults with chronic conditions. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 623, NRS 683


NRS 674

NRS 625 AGPCNP Clinical I

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on relevant history collecting and physical examination of adults and older adults. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP. 



NRS 619


NRS 655

NRS 626 AGPCNP Clinical II

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing competencies developed in NRS 625, in addition to preliminary differential diagnosis and management plans for geriatric patients and mental health conditions. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.  



NRS 625


NRS 656, NRS 687

NRS 628 AGPCNP Clinical III

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing competencies developed in NRS 625 and NRS 626, in addition to preliminary differential diagnosis and management plans for gender health conditions, as well as adolescent populations. Students complete 120 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.  



NRS 625, NRS 626


NRS 658

NRS 629 AGPCNP Clinical IV

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing the competencies developed in NRS 625, NRS 626, and NRS 628, in addition to comprehensive differential diagnosis and management plans for adults and older adults with complex conditions. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP. 



NRS 625, NRS 626, NRS 628


NRS 659

NRS 630 FNP Clinical I

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on relevant history collecting and physical examination of patients with acute conditions. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 610 or instructor permission


NRS 670

NRS 631 FNP Clinical II

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing competencies developed in NRS 630, in addition to preliminary differential diagnosis and management plans for mental health and gender health conditions, as well as adolescent populations. Students complete 120 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 630, NRS 670


NRS 672, NRS 681

NRS 633 FNP Clinical III

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing the competencies developed in NRS 630 and NRS 631, in addition to preliminary differential diagnosis and management plans for pediatric patients. Students complete 120 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 631, NRS 672, NRS 681


NRS 673

NRS 634 FNP Clinical IV

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing the competencies developed in NRS 630, NRS 631, and NRS 633, in addition to comprehensive differential diagnosis and management plans for adults and older adults with chronic conditions. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.



NRS 633, NRS 673


NRS 674

NRS 635 FNP Clinical I

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on relevant history collecting and physical examination of patients across the lifespan. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP. 



NRS 619


NRS 655

NRS 636 FNP Clinical II

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing competencies developed in NRS 635, in addition to preliminary differential diagnosis and management plans for pediatric patients and mental health conditions. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.  



NRS 635


NRS 656, NRS 677

NRS 638 FNP Clinical III

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing competencies developed in NRS 635 and NRS 636, in addition to preliminary differential diagnosis and management plans for gender health conditions, as well as adolescent populations. Students complete 120 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP.  



NRS 635, NRS 636


NRS 658

NRS 639 FNP Clinical IV

In this clinical course, students apply principles from management courses in direct care to patients. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing the competencies developed in NRS 635, NRS 636, and NRS 638, in addition to comprehensive differential diagnosis and management plans for adults and older adults with complex conditions. Students complete 180 hours of supervised clinical experience. Course is graded P/NP. 



NRS 635, NRS 636, NRS 638


NRS 659

NRS 649 Policy and Politics for the Nurse Leader

The influence of health care and other policies on organizations and the nursing profession will be analyzed from multiple perspectives including, ethical, social justice, financial and professional impact. The process of policy formation will be examined and applied. The roles of advocate and political activist in promoting innovative and just policies will be fostered.



NRS 604, NRS 614

NRS 650 Informatics in a Complex Health Care Environment

This course addresses the application and critical impact of informatics on health care delivery and health care systems. Health information systems and technology to improve health outcomes and approaches to health care delivery will be examined. Current and potential future issues that impact the role and use of informatics and technology in health care will be analyzed.


NRS 651 Epidemiology and Clinical Prevention in Population Health

The development, implementation and evaluation of health promotion/illness prevention programs and interventions for populations at the microsystem level are the foci of this course. Analysis of epidemiological and research data related to populations, concepts of public health including environmental, occupational health and disaster preparedness and determinants of health are examined as essential components of programs for population health.

NRS 652 Translation Science

In this course, students acquire knowledge, skills, concepts and strategies from implementation and dissemination sciences to translate evidence into practice.



NRS 606

NRS 654 Primary and Specialty Palliative Care

This course investigates differences between primary and specialty palliative care. Advanced practice nursing palliative care principles will be explored. This course also addresses assessment and coordination of management plans that meet the unique palliative care needs of clients. 


NRS 655 Primary Care Management: Wellness and Health Promotion

This course emphasizes supporting adolescents and adults to reach or maintain their optimal level of health and function, with a focus on health promotion. Students will explore integrative modalities, evidence-informed screening, and illness prevention. Fee: $155



NRS 619


NRS 625 or NRS 635

NRS 656 Management of Common Mental Health Conditions in Primary Care

This course covers the assessment and appropriate diagnosis of mental health conditions encountered in primary care. Emphasis is on differentiating between appropriate referral to a mental health specialist versus management by the nurse practitioner. Safety, ethical, legal and policy issues are examined. Students incorporate motivational interviewing, preventive care, differential diagnosis, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities. 



NRS 655


NRS 626 or NRS 636 & NRS 677 or 687

NRS 658 Management of Common Gender Specific & Adolescent Health Conditions

This course covers the assessment, diagnosis, and management of gender specific and adolescent health conditions encountered in primary care. Gender theories, adolescent growth and development, and principles of gender-affirming care will be explored.



NRS 656, and NRS 677 or NRS 687


NRS 628 or NRS 638

NRS 659 Management of Complex Conditions in Primary Care

This course covers the assessment, diagnosis, and management of complex conditions encountered in primary care. Students will explore chronic care models and incorporate preventive care, differential diagnosis, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities. Fee: $30



NRS 658


NRS 629 or NRS 639

NRS 665 DNP Scholarly Project

The DNP Scholarly Project focuses on practice change in primary care, reflects the integration of coursework and AACN Essentials, and serves as a foundation for future scholarly practice. The project includes planning, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination. Students register a minimum of 3 semesters and continue registering until successful completion and dissemination of the final project. Includes clinical hours. Course is graded P/NP. 



NRS 606

NRS 670 Management of Adults with Acute Conditions

This course covers the assessment, diagnosis, and management of acute conditions encountered in primary care. Students will incorporate preventive care, differential diagnosis, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities. Fee: $155



NRS 610 or instructor permission


NRS 620 or NRS 630

NRS 672 Management of Common Mental Health Conditions in Primary Care

This course covers the assessment and appropriate diagnosis of mental health conditions encountered in primary care. Emphasis is on differentiating between appropriate referral to a mental health specialist versus management by the primary care nurse practitioner. Safety, ethical, legal and policy issues will be examined. Students will incorporate preventive care, differential diagnosis, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities.



NRS 670


NRS 621 or NRS 631

NRS 673 Management of Pediatric Patients in Primary Care

This course covers the assessment, diagnosis, and management of pediatric conditions encountered in primary care, in addition to focusing on preventive care from birth through middle childhood. Students will incorporate preventive care, differential diagnosis, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities.



NRS 672, NRS 681


NRS 633

NRS 674 Management of Adults and Older Adults with Chronic Conditions

This course covers the assessment, diagnosis, and management of adults and older adults with chronic conditions. Students explore chronic care models and incorporate preventive care, differential diagnosis, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities. Fee: $480



NRS 673 or NRS 683


NRS 624 or NRS 634

NRS 675 Directed DNP Clinical

This clinical course prepares students for independent, entry-level nurse practitioner practice. Expectations include successful application of knowledge gleaned from all previous program courses. Students will complete a portfolio demonstrating integration and achievement of DNP program outcomes and competencies. Includes 360 clinical hours. Grade of IP is permitted. Course is graded P/NP.



Successful completion of all prior required courses in the DNP curriculum.

NRS 676 Integrative Health: Adult Health Promotion and Acute Health Problems

This course explores integrative perspectives for facilitating wellness, restoration of health, and the management of chronic and acute conditions in adults. Strategies include mind body approaches, nutrition, spirituality, complementary and alternative modalities and botanicals. The course examines opportunities for nurse practitioner students to incorporate integrative health principles into their practices.

NRS 677 Management of Pediatric Patients in Primary Care

This course covers the assessment, diagnosis, and management of pediatric conditions encountered in primary care, in addition to focusing on preventive care from birth through middle childhood. Students will incorporate preventive care, differential diagnosis, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities.



NRS 655


NRS 636, NRS 656

NRS 681 Management of Common Gender Specific & Adolescent Health Conditions

This course covers the assessment, diagnosis, and management of gender specific and adolescent health conditions encountered in primary care. Gender theories, adolescent growth and development, and biological science will be explored. Students will incorporate preventive care, differential diagnoses, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities.



NRS 670


NRS 621 or NRS 631

NRS 682 Primary & Specialty Palliative Care

This course investigates differences between primary and specialty palliative care. Advanced practice nursing palliative care principles will be explored, including communication, access to palliative care, symptom management, and ethical decision-making. Students will also implement multidisciplinary care coordination practices to meet the person-centered needs of clients and caregivers.


NRS 683 Management of Geriatric Patients in Primary Care

This course covers the assessment, diagnosis, and management of geriatric patients within primary care. Emphasis is placed on functional status assessment and on management that is driven by the patient’s goals and wishes. Students will incorporate preventive care, differential diagnosis, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities.



NRS 670, NRS 672, NRS 681


NRS 623

NRS 685 Directed DNP Clinical for NP to DNP Students I

This is the first of two directed clinical courses for DNP students who were practicing as nurse practitioners upon admission to the program. This course is devoted to the integration and demonstration of the AACN DNP Essentials and UP School of Nursing DNP program outcomes in clinical practice. Includes 180 clinical hours. Course is graded P/NP. Fee: $50



NRS 601, NRS 602, NRS 604, NRS 605, NRS 606, NRS 609, NRS 614, NRS 650, NRS 651

NRS 686 Directed DNP Clinical for NP to DNP Students II

This is the second of two directed clinical courses for DNP students who were practicing as nurse practitioners upon admission to the program. Students will complete a portfolio demonstrating integration and achievement of the AACN DNP Essentials and UP School of Nursing DNP program outcomes in clinical practice. Includes 180 clinical hours. Course is graded P/NP.  Fee: $30



NRS 685

NRS 687 Management of Geriatric Patients in Primary Care

This course covers the assessment, diagnosis, and management of geriatric patients within primary care. Emphasis is placed on functional status assessment and on management that is driven by the patient’s goals and wishes. Students will incorporate preventive care, differential diagnosis, evidence-based care, and integrative modalities.



NRS 655


NRS 626, NRS 656