Global Certificate Program: Advanced

Elements of the Program:

Second-language proficiency and significant intercultural and international undergraduate experiences are key components of the program. Advanced Global Scholars will work closely with the program co-directors to create a pathway within their degree program and to present their experiences and work to the University of Portland community.

I. Language Requirement: 

All Advanced Global Scholars must demonstrate proficiency in at least one language other than English. This is defined as achieving the equivalent of Intermediate High in French, Intermediate High in Spanish, Intermediate High in German according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, or for other languages the equivalent level according to the Defense Language Institute.

II. Required Courses:

All Advanced Global Scholars will be required to take:

  1. POL 205 World Politics — 3 credit hours
  2. An intercultural competence course from the following — 3 credit hours:
  • SW/SOC 325 Power, Oppression, and Critical Consciousness
  • CST 431 Intercultural Communication and Identity
  • CST 411 Communication Across Barriers
  • CST 432 Gender and International Development
  • Other intercultural competence courses may be added to this list upon petition to the CISGO Executive Committee.
  1. One course in Political Science or History from the following — 3 credit hours
  1. Global Certificate Seminar. In this seminar, students will create a portfolio that will demonstrate how they have accomplished the outcomes of the program. — 1 credit hour

In the case that a student has completed a course that is equivalent to a required course, the student may submit a petition for an Advanced Global Scholars course exception to the Executive Board of the Collaborative for International Studies and Global Outreach (CISGO.)

 Total credit hours of required courses: 10

III. Courses in students' degree programs (6 credit hours). Some or all of these courses may be taken abroad.

Students in College of Arts and Sciences:

Two additional courses from the following (6 credit hours total):

Note: Professional school students with a second major in the College of Arts & Sciences may follow the CAS pathway or the pathway associated with their primary major.

Students in Pamplin School of Business:

Two additional courses from the following (6 credit hours total):

Students in School of Nursing & Health Innovations:

Two additional courses from the following (6 credit hours total):

Students in School of Education:

Two additional courses from the following (6 credit hours total):

Note: Specific programs within these schools may develop special pathways by petitioning the CISGO Executive Board.

IV. Abroad Experiences:

All Advanced Global Scholars must have at least one significant international/intercultural experience meeting the requirements described below. In some cases, a student may have two or more international/intercultural experiences none of which by themselves meet the requirements, but which taken together are able to do so. It is the responsibility of the student to make the case in the portfolio that the learning outcomes have been met through the conjunction of these experiences.

  1. Experiences must meet 4 of the 7 criteria for the Advanced Global Certificate Level of Immersion listed here:
    1. Duration — 12 weeks to one year
    2. Required language  — work or instruction is conducted mostly in the host language
    3. Faculty (or supervisor) interaction — mostly host faculty or supervisor, e.g., direct university enrollment with host faculty
    4. Course work — advanced course work in host language only
    5. Mentoring or guided cultural reflection — orientation, re-entry program, ongoing reflection program, and required participation in-country activities or mentorship
    6. Experiential learning initiatives — extensive community service, volunteering, local club activities, language exchange, etc.
    7. Housing — homestay, international student dorm, or host roommate
  2. The student may combine several abroad experiences in making their case for Advanced Global Certificate designation.

Note: If the student’s destination host language is English, students will be asked to describe the ways in which American English differs from the English spoken in their host country in an essay that demonstrates their understanding of the nuances between different types of English. For an Advanced Global Scholar designation, the student who studies in an English-speaking country will also need to demonstrate proficiency in a language that is not English.

V. Portfolio

All Advanced Global Scholars will compile a portfolio of work (which will include a final paper) that they will use to document how they have achieved the learning outcomes of the program. Their Advanced Global Certificate faculty mentor will advise them in putting together the experiences and documentation that will form their portfolio. Additionally, the one-credit Seminar will support and guide them in assembling their portfolio. The CISGO Executive Board will evaluate the completed portfolios and students will present their portfolios in a public presentation open to the University of Portland community.