Hellenic Studies

Alejandro Santana, Ph.D., philosophy, director

Greek history and culture is the cornerstone of Western liberal arts education.  Perhaps the most fundamental reason for this can be found in the inscription “Γνωθι σαυτόν,” “Know thyself.” This was written in the forecourt of the temple dedicated to Apollo, in perhaps one of the holiest sites in the Greek world – Delphi. This idea, so central to the ancient Greek conception of wisdom, was also crucial in their conception of the good life.  Knowing who you are, and especially your cultural and historical roots, provides you with a foundation for meaning and stability in everyday life, and this has become increasingly difficult to attain in a world that has become increasingly unsettled and disconnected. In such a world, understanding one’s roots provides a tether that keeps one grounded and nourished in one’s cultural heritage. And there is no doubt that one important tether of Western civilization reaches back to the Greeks.

The Hellenic studies minor provides the student with a rich a context in which to explore the University of Portland’s core questions, and it fosters a greater understanding of the student’s relationship to the cultural heritage of the Western world.

Learning Outcomes for Hellenic Studies Minors

Hellenic studies graduates of the University of Portland should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of significant periods of Hellenic history.
    1. Identify significant facts, periods, or historical narratives of Hellenic history.
    2. Describe in writing these significant facts, periods, or historical narratives.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of major dimensions of Hellenic culture.
    1. Identify at least one major dimension of Hellenic culture.
    2. Describe in writing this major dimension.
  3. Explain the relevance of Hellenic history and culture in Western civilization.
    1. Identify at least one significant period of Hellenic history or dimension of Hellenic culture that relates to Western civilization.
    2. Explain in writing the relevance of this period or dimension to Western civilization.
  4. Critically evaluate Hellenic history or culture.
    1. Develop a stance on Hellenic history or culture.
    2. Support that stance with a well-developed argument.

Capstone Experience

Students pursuing a Hellenic studies minor will participate in either PHL 338 or PHL 371 as the last course in the minor.

Minor Requirements - 12 credit hours

Required Courses - 6 credit hours

HST 330Ancient Mediterranean World



THE 360/THE 460Christianity's First Thousand Years: Emergence and Growth, 100-1200


PHL 338Metaphysics: Ancient Greek Metaphysics in Context



PHL 371Ancient Greek & Roman Philosophy


Upper Division Electives - 6 credit hours

Select from the following:
CST 327Argumentation and Advocacy


CST 490Directed Study


FA 350Art History I


HST 330Ancient Mediterranean World


HST 430Seminar in European History


MTH 431Modern Geometry


PHL 321Logic


PHL 338Metaphysics: Ancient Greek Metaphysics in Context


PHL 371Ancient Greek & Roman Philosophy


PHL 372Medieval Philosophy


PHL 490Directed Study


POL 305Ancient and Medieval Political Thought


POL 490Directed Study


THE 307/THE 407Theology and Controversy in the Letters of Paul


THE 360/THE 460Christianity's First Thousand Years: Emergence and Growth, 100-1200


THE 490Directed Study


THTR 307A History of Theatre and Culture


THTR 490Directed Study


HST 430 and directed study courses (designated 490) may fulfill the elective requirements if the topic is related to Hellenic studies. Please confirm eligible yearly course offerings with the program director.